A phoenix with a Pi camera module v3 wide for an eye, wielding a Raspberry Pi 5 and a Coral edge TPU

Chalkydri is a blazingly fast vision system for FRC written in Rust.

In development

Chalkydri isn't ready to use quite yet.

New here?

Check out our Getting Started guide!


Chalkydri was created by and is managed by FRC Team 4533 (Phoenix).

It was inspired by the popular PhotonVision vision system.


This is a generic guide. You probably want a guide specific to whatever device you're using:

If your device isn't listed here, it may work, but there's no guarantee. You can see our instructions for building from source if we aren't providing binaries for your target architecture.

Before we start, click here to start downloading our latest release. It might take a little while on poor connections.

Flashing your microSD card

We recommend Etcher, since it's easy to use and cross-platform.

It will figure everything out for you and flash Chalkydri.

That's it! Now you can learn how to use Chalkydri.

Chalkydri system design

Chalkydri has a somewhat complicated design, as most vision things do, but I really hate poor documentation.

Once the robot is powered on, each Chalkydri device will:

  • Boot up (almost certainly faster than everything else, because Alpine is awesome like that)
  • Attempt to connect to the roboRIO's NetworkTables server
  • Initialize camera(s)
  • Initialize ML accelerator(s) if applicable
  • Prepare backends

Chalkydri waits until it connects to the NetworkTables server successfully to actually start running. It will negotiate with the roboRIO and start processing frames.

NetworkTables API



Topics relevant to the robot as a whole

  • Chalkydri/Robot/Position/X (64-bit float) The robot's current X coord on the field
  • Chalkydri/Robot/Position/Y (64-bit float) The robot's current Y coord on the field
  • Chalkydri/Robot/Rotation (64-bit float) The robot's current rotation


Each device's device-specific topics are grouped under Chalkydri/Devices/{device id}/

  • Chalkydri/Devices/X/Version (string) The device's Chalkydri version

Maintenance guide

This is for people working on Chalkydri itself

If you are a Chalkydri user, this isn't what you want.

Being a fairly advanced project as FRC goes, it's harder to just pick up and work on.

This is the incomplete guide to maintaining it, how the internals work, and the best learning resources.

The Chalkydri project has several subprojects, mostly libraries we needed to build it.

Here's all the awesome learning resources I've found so far:

Getting started

Getting better

Getting deeper

Chalkydri was built on and for Linux, so using other operating systems may be a little more difficult.

Install the Rust toolchain

It's highly recommended you use rustup to install the toolchain.

Build requirements

  • A reasonably recent and powerful processor
  • A reasonable amount of RAM
  • Docker (if cross-compiling)
  • A complete build requires a considerable amount of disk space:
    • 2GB (rec. 3GB): Chalkydri itself
    • 4GB (rec. 6GB): Bazel / libedgetpu
    • 2GB (rec. 8GB): TFLite
    • That totals up to a recommended 17GB chunk of your drive (or a minimum 8GB). The hope is most of this can happen in CI, so it's not a massive pain for everybody trying to work on Chalkydri.

Raspberry Pi

The Pi 3, 4, and 5 are supported.

Pi cameras

libcamera is required to interact with v3.

Coral Edge TPU

We made our own bindings to TFLite and libedgetpu.

Releases should be done with CI.

To release a new version, simply create a release on Github. CI will test and build the main branch.


We're using our own custom AprilTag library.


We have a few reasons for writing our own, rather than using what's already out there:

  • The reference C library is very resource intensive.

Corner detection

Corner detection is done using the aptly named FAST algorithm. Another advantage: it's very simple and easy to understand.


Important references