A phoenix with a Pi camera module v3 wide for an eye, wielding a Raspberry Pi 5 and a Coral edge TPU

Chalkydri is a blazingly fast vision system for FRC written in Rust.

In development

Chalkydri isn't ready to use quite yet.

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Chalkydri was created by and is managed by FRC Team 4533 (Phoenix).

We're trying to make vision less of a black box, so all FRC teams can use it, no matter their size. We also want it to be easier to use effectively with less hassle.

Chalkydri has been built from the ground up for performance on popular FRC vision hardware and uses less CPU and memory than existing solutions.


  • PhotonVision

    • Main inspiration for the design of Chalkydri
  • Lincoln (Student, 4533)

    • Phoenix vision code lead